Basque Center for Applied Mathematics(BCAM)--巴斯克应用数学中心



  BCAM is the research center on applied mathematics created with the support of the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, which aims to strengthen the Basque science and technology system, by performing interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of mathematics, talented scientists’ training and attraction, so the excellence of our results are recognized by the Society.


  Team (People): People are the key success factor of our strategy. Our organization is a whole, where researchers, managers and support personnel work together on a team based and collaborative way. We look for polyvalent and complementary profiles, so each individual can develop a successful career.

  Innovation (Processes): The base of our activity is based on creativity and innovation. We yearn for excellence in everything we do, fostering the participation of the people.

  Coherence (Excellence): The organization of the center, the people that make it possible are aware of the aims established by our governing bodies, so our infrastructures, equipment and working habits are consistent with the objectives of excellence.